Sunday, 18 January 2015

School Sinkhole Scare

The children produced some wonderful newspaper reports, after hearing the terrifying news that a sinkhole had appeared on the school field - only to find out, later that morning, that the 'mean' teachers had tricked them!


  1. The writing produced was superb!!

    I hope the children forgive us! :-)

    Mrs Lynchey

  2. I was extremely impressed by the quality of the writing. One of the year 3 pupils is going to nominate me for an oscar for my part in the hoax! Mrs Evans

  3. Year 5 pupils are still not impressed by the teachers tricking us, but my parents think it was a good joke. Jack Gibbins y5

  4. When will the teachers stop being mean to us, all that work when the sinkhole wasn't real Y5 Matthew tyrrell

  5. How dare you do that and no we are not going to forgive you teachers. Arron Sutcliffe y5
