Sunday, 26 April 2015

Pair and Share!

As the children moved around the classroom I called out a certain day of the week, when this happened, they had to high five the person nearest to them and discuss a question they were they given. The questions were all about 'The Suffragettes.' 

The children were very sensible and formulated some mature responses. Occasionally the children disagreed but they enjoyed the debates!


Monday, 20 April 2015

Future Game Makers

Year 5 used an app called 'Floors' to create their own games. 


Here are a number of children acting in role as characters from Kensuke's Kingdom. 

Who will you vote for?

Year 5B have been set the challenge to come up with an idea that will win the votes of pupils from year R-6!
They are working in teams of 7 and need to present to the school their afternoon of outdoor fun using posters, leaflets, rosettes, adverts and powerpoints!
The children have only got a short time but have made a great start today! Super teamwork was evident and the children all showed a variety of skills and strengths. Some children even wanted to ring ice cream van and bouncy castle companies to discuss cost and availability! Which they did!
The groups have been given a budget and need to charge children small fees if they know they are going to go over that budget!

Making our model volcanoes...

A lovely time was had by all! (Just maybe not the carpet!) The children read the instructions well and used measuring cylinders to create their very own plaster masterpiece. We then went outside in the afternoon to paint them in the lovely spring sunshine!